Monday, March 20, 2006



Lave or Daze a Flame.

I killed.

They pushed me,

Bribed me.

I hate myself.

I killed.

They controlled me,

Restrained me.

I’m sorry.

I killed my heart.

What they offered

I could not refuse.

I would not.

Fad Idea,

Alarm Eva!

Lies, out to take her life away.


Keep her safe.

No! Free her.


Uncover her eyes.

The two anagrams for my name is quite contrasting because the first one succumbs to the material things, sacrificing passion and love in the process. However, the other one, which is quite feministic, seeks justice. Perhaps it shows the battles I have with myself. At this point in my life, I encounter so many crossroads that I feel torn. Nothing is black and white. Thus I find no solace when I open my eyes. All I see is chaos. Sometimes I just close them in an attempt to leave my life to fate. I try to look for the easy way out, oftentimes sacrificing the beauty of the unknown. I bathe myself from all the passion of uncertainty in exchange of the certain. However, in my heart, I know I must fall in that colorful abyss in order to appreciate the meaning of my existence. I am not a puppet. I am the woman of my life. I love myself. I wake myself up, I won’t fool myself.

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